Sunday, 6 January 2008

a work in progress

i can't decide what i think of this girl. i feel that i may have got a little carried away with the pattern!?! i might colour this differently. still in black and white but perhaps filling in the details rather than the negative space as i have with the illustrations below.... i'll keep you updated!


Megan Tucker said...


Thanks for your recent comment on my blog.

I know what you mean about illustrators who worship photoshop! believe me, i was trying to develop a sellable style for sooo long, shying miles away from using the computer because i am a purist at heart. But i finally gave in, and tried it- lo and behold it gave the look i had been searching for all that time.
I think its ok, in small doses- and seeing as i only use it to add blocks of colour, i can justify it to myself!

Still, nothing beats illustration untouched by modern day technology!!!

Keep plugging along! im my own worst critique and i was so afraid of what people would think of my work, but you will be suprised at how people respond. i think sometimes you just gota have a bit of faith in what you do and in yourself.

Best of luck!

mary plus vince said...

lurker here...

i think this picture is so cool! did you do it all? and i don't think the pattern is too much, it is just right! love it!