Thursday 3 January 2008

let it snow let it snow let it snow

woo hoo! and boo hiss! all at the same time today.
woo hoo it's snowing! not very much were we are of course because we live in the centre of town but ross has just come back in from work (he only left 20 minutes ago!) because it's a snow day!he can't get to work!-i don't have a luxury of that excuse unfortunately!
boo hiss we have no hot water! none. anywhere... so no showers, no clean hair, no getting warm on the first day of snow this winter in a nice hot bath full of lush xmas goodies. what to do?

i've been thinking alot about resolutions over the past few days of this brand new year. i hate making them because i find it so very difficult to keep of last years was to always have beautifully painted red nails. this was fine and i was doing well until mid-february when i noticed that my nails seemed to be flaking away.literally peeling off. so not entirely my fault that i had to stop but still a resolution unresolved.
the thing is. why set a challenge that i'm likely to fail? so rather than promise myself (i never tell anyone else my resolutions) that i'll change the world and myself - i'll cheat.i resovle to do something creative everyday. thats my reslolution. it may sound simple but sometimes i get so distracted by real life. bills. rent. no hot water. eastenders. making dinner. clearing dinner. sleeping. ect ect.that i forget to draw. or sew. or do anything at all actually.

now i've got more ideas so here comes a list. (incidentally not the first one of the year)

~ i will do at least one thing creative everyday~
~ i will buy a big issue every month~
~ i will put some of my art in the singing kettle cafe asap~
~ i will sell a piece of my work~
~ i will show someone else this blog (ross doesn't count)~

this list - i'm sure will be added to and subracted from all year.
but i must try.

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