Tuesday 18 March 2008

johnny depp appreciation society

2 johnny depp films in as many nights - and both of them picked by my lovely boyfriend.
mmmm, is he trying to sweet talk me?
last night we watched blow. very good but very disturbing seeing mr depp with a paunch and in a shell suit (only at the end)
and tonight it's donnie brasco. also very good, of course we've seen it before on more than one occasion. this was the film that inspired our visit to mulberry street in nyc last year. a very good day spent in old skool pizzerias with photos of the old days on the walls. old faces, friends and villains.
a very good day indeed.
tomorrow night - pirates of the caribbean!!! join me won't you?

1 comment:

beth said...

Hey Bexy,
I haven't had much time for looking at other blogs lately. I've just caught up with yours. All the best for your trip :)