Tuesday, 19 January 2010

todays wish list includes.......

these shoes arrived in the shop today and "oh me oh my". so pretty, they have inspired a new wish list, if only i wasn't 7ft tall when i wear them.......
-kurt geiger, garbo sandals-

-pantone mugs-

a cuddle
spaghetti bolognese
an hour in a bubble bath with my new book - the lollipop shoes by joanne harris
vanilla ice cream
chanel rouge noir nail polish
to have the strength not to open my new bales of fluffy white towels until i move into the new flat
ditto - new fen wright manson crisp white sheets
to sleep soundly tonight
jonny depp


the NEO-traditionalist said...

I love this list. Especially the Johnny Depp bit---love a good laugh. And I'm with you on most of it---spaghetti bolognese and the pantone mugs especially. Such fun!
XX Kate

Marisa said...
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Marisa said...

great list... i've GOT to get my hands on a pantone mug!

beth said...

Hi Bexy,
I'm so glad you're back. I kept checking for ages and I thought you'd stopped blogging. Congratulations on all your changes.
Beth x