Monday, 28 January 2008

TAG! i'm it!

I was tagged by Beth over at Boatshedchic the other day to tell you some little known facts about me. Now brace yourselves pets - i've a feeling that i'm not as interesting as i think i am!!!!

Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

So here we go...

1.) I've been homesick for London for 1 year and 6.5 months. it's true~ home is where my heart is. The man in my life is the only thing keeping me in Newcastle. I moved up here to be with him and i'm not leaving without him.....we will move back to London eventually though - thems the rules!

2.) i can write backwards. properly, with joined up writing and everything! and i don't even have to think about it! I don't know how i discovered this completely pointless talent - i never practised or even tried to do it - i just could! and the weirdest thing...sometimes if i'm making notes or writing a shopping list - i'll write it backwards by accident because it feels normal!!! i also prefer my handwriting when it's backwards!

3.) i love drinking tea (i was born in yorkshire) and all the rituals that go with it. some how i've ended up collecting teapots too! and i haven't bought a single one of them for myself. i've never asked people to buy me them - one day, i woke up and suddenly i had 6 of them! i love when people make tea with tea leaves and would never consider using bags. it's awesome.

4.) rhubarb and custard boiled sweets from sainsburys make me giddy.

5.) in 2 months i am going to China Japan and Korea for 3 weeks. i'm so excited to eat there! to see different people, to visit new places and hear new sounds. it's gonna be amazing. i also get to indulge my weird obsession.....

6.) .........supermarkets in different countries. i could spend hours in them. chemists too! last year in new york i drove my other half to distraction with my lust for duane reade. i had to go in every one i came across (and there are a few) just to look at the products that we can't get here in england. some other good countries for supermarkets are South Africa, France and Mexico.

7.) it took me until i was 25 to find a job that i love. it doesn't pay very much and i'm always skint but i wouldn't have it any other way. my boss is great, the hours suit my illustrating and as for the shoes....? there are no words. it's the best job ever and i feel very lucky that i stumbled across it.

so, thats all folks. hope it was a little bit interesting. thanks to beth for tagging me, make sure you all visit her blog - her home is amaaaaaazing. i feel blind rage sometimes that i don't live there! you'll see what i mean.

by way of reciprocation i tag some of my favourites;
chocolate canary
a cup of jo
absolutely beautiful things
lola is beauty
{this is glamorous}
through my eyes

thanks guys, it's been real x


Joanna Goddard said...

aw, i hope you aren't too homesick. i was just talking to a girl today who had to move to kansas city to be with her boyfriend. it's really tough to move for love, but one day soon you'll be in london together and loving it! :)

and so cool that you can write backwards!!!

thanks for the tag:)

TIG said...

Hello Bexy--thanks for the tag. Loved reading your 7 facts and I'm with Joanna on the writing backwards--very cool! I hope you don't mind if I bow out gracefully? I've been tagged not too long ago, so I fear I may not have another 7 things to share, but thanks so much for thinking of me!

Claire said...

oh no bexy, I've done this one too - twice! Hmm maybe I could do it on Lola's behalf...being homesick is the worst - it's grey and dull here today but I'm sure that's no help. x

*******chocolatecanary********* said...

Thanks for the tag Bexy! I love London too! It has been way too long since I have been there, but it is one of my fave cities!!!