Monday, 10 December 2007

it's coming along nicely.

mad busy - mad mad busy! funny that even though it's always at the same time of year i still have to rush round like a mad thing in the weeks before xmas. mind you i didn't plan to be making all of my own christmas tree decorations but as this is my first xmas in my own flat (not at mum and dads) i want to put more effort in. plus the idea that i'll be using these decorations years down the line makes me feel really excited. it means i'll remember this xmas for all the right reasons and not just because i was homesick.just the thought that my mum,darling dad and sister are at the other end of the country makes me want to cry! on the other hand it'll be my first xmas spent with Ross and that makes me smile.alot.

p.s my lovely friend jemma got married today to a handsom chap called scott.she was beautiful.he cried.and they announced they're pregnant! wow!well done you wonderful people-love to you both. xxx (3 kisses-one for lambchop,one for scott and one for your fabulous suprise!)

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